🦹 Why Irrational Fandom Builds Brands

Why Irrational Fandom Builds Brands: A Candid Conversation with Ron Tite

How humor, authenticity, and emotional connection can transform your marketing strategy.

It's the tenth episode of the Brand to Fan Show -- and I had the pleasure of hosting the enjoyable and funny Ron Tite, one of the best marketing and creative "ad-men" I know. Ron is also an accomplished comedian and the author of "Think. Do. Say." This conversation was unique in how it weaved through an intersection of fandom, branding, baseball, and comedy. I enjoyed every minute!

Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect to learn in this episode:

  • Ron Tite's unique background as a comedian and its impact on his marketing and branding approach
  • The importance of authenticity and staying true to your brand's voice to create a sense of belonging for your customers
  • How storytelling and humor can break down barriers, foster trust, and forge emotional connections with your audience
  • The power of irrational fandom in driving customer loyalty and brand growth
  • The connection between Bo Burnham's comedy special and branding insights
  • Ron's thoughts on how companies can use humor to engage with their customers and build their brands
  • The importance of operationalizing great ideas and staying true to your brand's purpose
  • My TL;DL takeaways for marketers and entrepreneurs


I'm a big fan of Bo Burnham. What I love about Bo Burnham is he went through the full circle He had something really unique. He was a YouTuber, and the haters came out of the woodwork and said he's not a real comedian because he's not doing live shows.
So he pivoted his business into kind of competing against all the other comedians, doing exactly what other comedians did. He still brought his kind of unique production value to it. But he did live shows…and kind of lost his way a little bit. It was still really funny stuff, but he himself wasn't fulfilled.
At the end of that he quits standup comedy! Then over the pandemic, he reconnects to that sense of purpose of what he really got in it for. He goes back to the room and creates “Inside,” and it's his most brilliant work today.
It's nothing like any stand up comedian you've ever seen before. There's not a ton of laughs in there. It's a brilliant piece of art. I don't know that I would call it music, and I don't know that I would call a comedy, and I don't know that I would call it entertainment. It's Bo Burnham.

It's a sample of one and he just reconnected with that sense of purpose. I think and while everybody is so condition to develop a specific level of expertise, in doing that show, he wrote it, composed it, saying it, played it, lit it, shot it, mixed it, cut it. He did everything.
He had 6 Emmy nominations. He won for 3 for writing, directing and editing, which are never won by the same person.
And I just love that he is a population of one.

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Episode Rewind | My Team's Faves:

About the Brand to Fan Show:

On the Brand to Fan Show, I interview experts and influencers to explore how brands can cultivate fandom and why that's important.

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"If you're building fans, you're building for the future."

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Brand to Fan

Ready to make customers who transact in loyalty and advocacy in addition to dollars and cents? Become a brand that cultivates FANS rather than followers. I'm a social media sports OG with the original Twitter shirt to prove it who has always cared about CX and helping fans fall in love with brands. I'm a Speaker, Strategist, Collaborator, and Connector. Check out the Brand to Fan Show podcast (www.brandtofan.show) for more.

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