
Brand to Fan

Ready to make customers who transact in loyalty and advocacy in addition to dollars and cents? Become a brand that cultivates FANS rather than followers. I'm a social media sports OG with the original Twitter shirt to prove it who has always cared about CX and helping fans fall in love with brands. I'm a Speaker, Strategist, Collaborator, and Connector. Check out the Brand to Fan Show podcast ( for more.

Tamsen Webster & Joe Mull on the Brand to Fan Show
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New Episodes on💡 IDEAS + WORKPLACE 💼

a note from Lauren Teague Did I Skip a Week? Whoops! My apologies -- I missed an email to you last week. My attention was snapped up with testing the FanWagn marketplace for the upcoming beta launch, and I'm putting the final touches on my LinkedIn Glow Up DIY guides -- and even though the episode published, I forgot to tell you about it. So sorry! Its especially unfortunate since the Brand to Fan Show featured one of my favorite people, Tamsen Webster, talking about shaping ideas in a way...

Ann Handley is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

BRAND TO FAN SHOW TEN episodes...and we're just getting started! Why Irrational Fandom Builds Brands: A Candid Conversation with Ron Tite How humor, authenticity, and emotional connection can transform your marketing strategy. It's the tenth episode of the Brand to Fan Show -- and I had the pleasure of hosting the enjoyable and funny Ron Tite, one of the best marketing and creative "ad-men" I know. Ron is also an accomplished comedian and the author of "Think. Do. Say." This conversation was...

TV character Ted Lasso points to a yellow Believe sign above his office door

BRAND TO FAN SHOW with Lauren Teague Breaking Free from the Trap of Success (aka Imposter Syndrome) Allow me to introduce the latest episode of the Brand to Fan Show featuring bestselling author, Laura Gassner Otting. As someone who has found myself in Wonderhell time and time again, I couldn't wait to sit down with Laura to discuss how to find fulfillment in our careers while navigating this phenomenon. We almost ran out of time to record this episode because Laura spent the first half of...

Ann Handley is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

BRAND TO FAN SHOW Celebrate Your Ladies, It's Women's History Month! Creating Intimacy with Words: How to Connect with Your Audience on a Personal Level Welcome to the "Brand to fANN" Show! This week I renamed the show in honor of the incomparable Ann Handley of MarketingProfs. Trust me, this episode is worth relinquishing the naming rights to. The opportunity to ask "fAnn" questions about creating a personal connection with your audience couldn't have come at a better time for me. With a...

Mary Nice is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

BRAND TO FAN SHOW Tune into an all-women slate of episodes in March! This is the #BrandtoFan episode in which I really found my groove as a podcast host. Thankfully I got to try out changes for the first time with my pal Mary Nice on the other end of the line. The results were tremendous -- read on for why and how that happened! “ When you find a leader who is willing to surround themselves (with) and listen to a diverse group of people, you tend to have a leader that is more emotionally...

Dana Snyder is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

BRAND TO FAN SHOW Watch for an all-women slate of episodes in March! My career, much like the origins of Brand to Fan Show, began in Sports. It's no secret that both my career--and the thesis on the Brand to Fan approach--have gone far beyond the sports industry. Over the past 8 years, I have tested this idea of building for fans, not followers, across industries from B2B and B2C into healthcare, higher ed, tourism, and beyond. When thinking about my contemporaries who have sports and...

Jake McKee is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

Brand to Fan Show Now with 5 episodes for your listening pleasure! Better business decisions happen after uncovering the power of your company’s organic community. In this episode, I am joined by community professional and consultant Jake McKee to explore the importance of customer connectivity and its role in fostering brand fandom. Now truth be told, I had penciled Jake into my list of "guests whom I'd want to eventually have on Brand to Fan, after proving my mettle." But he got wind of...

Tim Hayden is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show

Brand to Fan Show Four episodes for your listening pleasure! Thank you for the well wishes and support of the brand-new "Brand to Fan Show," which launched with three episodes last week and a fourth added on Tuesday. The fourth episode of Brand to Fan Show features Tim Hayden, co-founder and CEO of Brain+Trust Partners. In this episode, titled "Unlocking the Power of Data to Accelerate Fandom", Tim and I discuss how data plays a crucial role in kindling fandom, and how brands can utilize it...

Welcome to the Brand to Fan Show! I'M YOUR HOST, LAUREN TEAGUE 😊 You might know me from tweeting along with @PGATOUR from 2008 to 2014 or have seen me speak onstage. Perhaps you’ve only known me as a co-op preschool parent or a distant 1st connection on LinkedIn. Just know that I'm glad we've found each other here! I declared late in my undergrad studies that I had no desire to ever return to HigherEd for an MBA — but that someday I would want to pursue a study of fandom in culture. I would...

Hey you! I’d say “I’M BACK," but honestly, you probably haven’t realized you missed me. Likely you saw me speak sometime over the past few years and signed up on my website to receive a useful template or guide that you could put into play yourself. (How did that go?) Frankly, between the lingering global pandemic and the demands of everyday work and life blending, I doubted there was much I could offer you. Like you, my inbox and social feeds are full of “experts” and “offers” who I have no...