Taking a cue from my favorite TV mom 🌹

Hey you!

I’d say “I’M BACK," but honestly, you probably haven’t realized you missed me.

Likely you saw me speak sometime over the past few years and signed up on my website to receive a useful template or guide that you could put into play yourself. (How did that go?)

Frankly, between the lingering global pandemic and the demands of everyday work and life blending, I doubted there was much I could offer you. Like you, my inbox and social feeds are full of “experts” and “offers” who I have no interest in competing with for attention.

Then, an interesting thing happened.

The tiny nudges I was trying to shush turned into big ideas that didn't disappear as easily. I seized an opportunity to switch up my work and how I served clients, which unlocked more ideas (and awesome results!)

Trusting my instincts started to pay off with tangible benefits and I realized how to best use my skills (and brain) to help business leaders and marketing teams going forward.

I'm becoming more accessible and less available than ever before.

That means I'm eschewing traditional consulting and client work to build a new startup company. Even so, I plan to stay at the leading edge of brand experience and marketing strategy.

You know the drill -- you're a busy professional and you need to find ways to stay on top of your game. So how do we balance the demands of work with those to level up skills?

Here's how you can tap into my know-how:

  • Hire me as a keynote speaker or workshop presenter ($$$$$)
  • Become a VIP client ($$$$)
  • Buy one of my virtuoso courses or products ($-$$)
  • Listen to my new podcast, Brand to Fan Show (free!)
  • Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube (free!)

It's new for me too, so I'm offering two ways to jumpstart this:

>> Hire me for a day! I'll do a strategy session, team workshop, keynote speaking, or even play golf with your clients at a reduced rate!

I'm game to be part of your company for a day. Whatever you need, provided I can fly there (anywhere in North America!) and we set a date in December. But I'm only making this available to one client; if you've thought about working with me, let's get it done asap ($5,000 investment. Date is flexible in December 2022)

>> Give your LinkedIn profile a Glow Up!✨ Join me on a free webinar tomorrow, Wed Nov 30th, from 1-2 pm PST to make your profile shimmer like you!

LinkedIn is the network I'm recommending to professionals like yourself (and let's be honest, it's what I use most these days too). LinkedIn has the most potential for building connections and expanding your network. It’s where business gets done on social media.

This is the start of more helpful things to come. I'll also be launching a DIY guide and course that will give you everything you need for success on LinkedIn, including what's been working for me and my clients.

If you made it this far...

Thank you! Sincerely. I don't take your attention for granted; and if anything, I hope this a step towards allowing me to show up and serve you in more ways -- whether in emails like this, on the new podcast show, or cheering you on the interwebs. (I'm @LaurenTTeague nearly everywhere. Let's connect!)

You can always hit "reply" and let me know what you want to hear or see from me in future emails (I plan to increase my correspondence to more than once per pandemic season) -- or to share with me who is your favorite TV mom!?

Lauren Teague

Brand to Fan

Ready to make customers who transact in loyalty and advocacy in addition to dollars and cents? Become a brand that cultivates FANS rather than followers. I'm a social media sports OG with the original Twitter shirt to prove it who has always cared about CX and helping fans fall in love with brands. I'm a Speaker, Strategist, Collaborator, and Connector. Check out the Brand to Fan Show podcast (www.brandtofan.show) for more.

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